Valley Children's Founder's Plaza

Valley Children's new administrative office building brought users from multiple locations to one location on campus. This new building focused on Well Building principles that strive to improve human health and wellbeing throughout the built environment. For example, an extensive exterior glass curtainwall and storefront glass modular walls (Steelcase V.I.A. and Lite Scale), provided and installed by Tangram, allow ample daylight into the workspaces while also adding high-level acoustics.
The two-story steel frame Administrative Office building provides collaborative work environments, office spaces and meeting rooms. The primary request was for comfortable and flexible workspaces with privacy and security. Additionally, the client wanted both interior and exterior collaborative areas with choice and control over where and how they work within each space.
Our team worked closely with each department to establish a welcoming environment that supported the users' needs and desires. Additionally, we ensured the product finishes tied in with Valley Children's brand and their standards throughout their facilities, while still maintaining a corporate feel with high-end materiality. Tangram was given the opportunity to select all furniture finishes for this project, assuring they tied into SmithGroup's overall design aesthetic.