Confidential Equipment Supplier

This Confidential Client first opened its doors in 1919supplying equipment to Fresno area farmers. When Holt and Best Tractor Company mergedto form Caterpillar Inc, they became its dealer in the Fresno and Madera Countyarea. Since then, they’ve expanded and grown throughout California all while helpingtheir customers succeed.
Tangram Interiors was engaged to help update their Corcoranlocation in late 2015 and ultimately, this design became a new standard for alltheir Central Valley offices. Branding and aesthetic were extremely important tothis client and Tangram led the way to create a design that included strongbranding, company color palettes and quality products. This client elected togo with an all Steelcase solution and choice products included Answerworkstations, Move chairs and Think and Gesture task seating.
The Tangram team and the client’s team have become very closesince 2015. They’ve developed a trust that has aided in a wonderful workingrelationship through several more locations and led to beautiful and ergonomicsolutions that enable this company to help their customers succeed.